Our journey

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Pimp my blog

Special thanks to Alex "A-train" for pimping our blog. Check out the links and Flickr badge on the left.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

We felt the baby move!

Last night I followed some pointers given to me by friends to help me feel the baby move...I ate a snack and then laid on my back.

Ryan was almost more eager than I was to feel movement but gave up after about 30 seconds of resting his hand on my abdomen. About a minute later, I felt a jab in my lower abdomen. I put my hand over the place where I thought I felt the jab and, sure enough, I could feel the jab on my hand. So, Ryan's interest was revived and he also felt a couple of jabs.

The excitement continued as I woke up a few times during the night because of a really weird dream. I felt a few more jabs, which I guess are more commonly called "kicks." It really didn't feel like a kick, though. I think our baby is praciticing Tae Bo while he waits for his time to come.

We're looking forward to more excitement in the coming weeks!!!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Mom!

Thought it would be good to add a picture of Laura at 18 weeks.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Ultrasound-18 weeks

As of yesterday, I am 18 weeks pregnant! Ryan and I went to get an ultrasound yesterday. Seeing the profile of the baby and the hands and feet moving penetrated my heart. I think Ryan had the same feelings at the same time as me because he grabbed my hand and looked intently at the screen. Apparently the little one was resting with legs crossed at the ankles. S/he so real!

Of course, you can probably tell that we have decided NOT to find out the sex before birth. I think its going to be tough making ourselves wait to find out when we know full well that the doctor could easily tell us the sex if we asked.

I know many of you might have been wondering when I was going to make my debut on the blog...and I finally decided that I needed to make my existence known. Another side note-you would also be viewing wakeboarding footage of me if I weren't "with child!"

Thursday, July 06, 2006


I am preaching this sunday at our church...and leading worship. I don't expect to use the healing power, but it should be fun. Pray for me. I'll let you know how it goes. In honor of this occasion, I have included a quote from another well-known "preacher."

"I was on my gazebo, on the roof, making some repairs, and I was struck by lightning...and I've had migraine headaches and blurred vision ever since then but praise the Lord that was my lucky day because ever since then, I've had the healing power. Amen, God bless you. Thank you very much. Good night. Yes? What happened? Yes?"
-Claud Henry Smoot (Chevy Chase, Fletch)