We're back!
Sorry for the long, 1 month, lull in the blog updates. I hope to someday win back our readership with stunning updates. However, that probably won't happen today.
I'm happy to report that we had a great, low-stress trip to the states. The girls did well on the planes and Ryan and I were surprisingly alert for most of the flights--which is nice when you've got 2 kids you're responsible for.
While stateside, we were able to connect with old friends, parents, and some relatives-all in only 8 days!
Before we returned, Selah and I started coughing. Eden started coughing, after we returned AND cut her two bottom teeth. All said, we returned with jet-lag, a baby with bronchiolitis and cutting teeth, Selah got an ear infection and respiratory junk and Ryan & I just felt tired and sick for most of the 1 1/2 weeks its has taken to get healthy, rested and happy.
Eden is 6 months old now, weighs 17.2 pounds and is 26 inches long. She can sit up on her own and rolls to get to things that are beyond her reach. She loves Selah, but with a little distance. Eden smiles all the time and loves to wake me up in the middle of the night. She naps about 3 times a day and eats rice cereal 1-2 times a day.
Selah will be 3 years old next month. When did I get old enough to have a 3-year old? Oh yeah, I'll be 30 next month...definitely old enough. Selah's favorite questions are "why?" and "what's a story about?" She asks us to tell her a story about 100 times a day, it seems. She is no obligated to tell us a story in between our stories... and is slowly learning the elements of a good short story. Right now, the introduction of the characters is great.
Ryan is usually napping once a day, when he is home and eats all his vegetables at dinner. He likes to play Hide and Seek with Selah or "Finding Nemo" (in which they hide Nemo).