Selah wearing a dress I wore on my 4th Birthday. Is she that big? I know I wasn't that small.
Ryan left town for the week and I want him to come home!!! I got a cold last weekend and it was at its worst on Monday, the day Ryan left. My good friend had already offered to come to the park with Selah and I, so I decided to ask her if she would take Selah to the park while I stayed home and rested. Graciously, she and her husband played with my precious girl for over an hour at the park. Selah took her nap soon after getting home and I was able to rest some more. My head hurt SO BAD but I didn't want to keep loading up on the Tylenol because I just like to keep medicines at a minimum during pregnancy and already take a lot of Benadryl because of my horrendous allergies--but that's a different story. Anyway, as time neared for Selah to wake up, I decided I needed to call someone to help me out for the evening. Oh how I wished my parents or Ryan's parents were just down the street because I wouldn't feel bad about calling them and having them take care of me. I called another good friend and she happily came over, played with Selah, cleaned the dishes after dinner, gave Selah a bath and put her to bed. It was a blessing, but I did feel bad sitting on the couch while she did all that.
Yesterday the babysitter came, so I went to the grocery store and worked on writing a paper on the importance of family and marriage that I will start translating into the language here as soon as I finish this post.
Today, I am feeling almost 1o0% and took Selah with me to meet my walking partner this morning. After walking 4.5 km, Selah and I played at the playground for about 30 minutes before returning home. When we got home, I decided to do a holiday craft and make a Christmas clove ball. I've never made one, but seen them. We poked holes in an orange with a toothpick then put whole cloves in the holes. To finish it off, I made a ribbon hanger and bow for it. Selah was most excited about poking holes in her orange and even gave Minnie Mouse (a stuffed animal) her very own orange and toothpick.
The orange-clove ball. Look at that beautiful bow!We also had time to see "Two Selahs," as she calls it and go visit our neighbor for 2 hours. Now, I must get back to work. I hope someone out there is thrilled to know what I've done with myself for past 3 days.
Two Selahs