Only in Marin!
This news story is about the people of Marin county trying to block a project for 4 homes to be built by Habitat for Humanity. The location of the houses is in the same town where Laura and I lived for 2 1/2 years just north of San Francisco. This kind of thing happened a lot. Many (though not all) of the residents of Marin are mostly older folk who are concerned with 2 things.
1) Keeping their property values up
2) Keeping the rif-raf out.
Any new building is very heavily regulated, if allowed, and the public transportation system is the worst and most expensive in the Bay Area. Several years ago, Marin voted not to allow BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) to include train and bus routes into Marin. Thus, if anyone wanted to go in and out of Marin, they pretty much had to drive and pay the toll on the bridge ($5 inbound).
Though we loved living in Marin and miss the amazing beauty and quirky people, we did find ourselves saying, "Only in Marin!" regularly. Crazy folks.
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