Our journey

Saturday, November 18, 2006

36 weeks

Originally uploaded by ryanandlaurawolf.
Only 3 weeks and 3 days till D-day.
I love hearing others' instincts about the baby--whether it is a boy or girl, if I will deliver tomorrow or 3 weeks from now, etc. I feel blessed to know so many are interested in this little life growing (bigger and bigger) inside of me. I only hope that many of the people that are interested in this baby now will pray for him/her and for us, as parents, after it is born. My only hope of being an effective, God-glorifying parent is in Christ alone.
Speaking of the due date rolling closer, I have started having dreams about giving birth and going into labor. The dreams depend on my preoccupations during the day. Last week, I started thinking about the likelihood that the baby will be over 8 pounds...which led to a dream about birthing a toddler that wouldn't let me hold him. Yesterday, I started having weird nerve pains in my upper thigh and in my lower belly that got me wondering about the pain of true labor and, what do you know, I have a dream about waiting to go into labor. In my dream, I kept trying to go walking and just couldn't get it done.
Oddly enough, I had my first un-provoked nose bleed last night. As I slept, I reached up to itch my nose and out came a stream of blood. I grabbed a towel (it was brown, don't worry) and covered my nose, then realized I also had to go to the bathroom pretty badly...after I figured out all that, I woke Ryan to get some pointers on how to take care of a nose bleed. A few minutes later, the bleeding stopped and I finished my night off with more dreams of labor.
I expect to keep having these not-so-calming dreams as the time draws near. Things are good right now...God is good. I still feel great almost all the time and I have a good friend and old-roommate (Alana Peake) from college visiting this weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You look so wonderful! These last weeks are the longest of all, at least in my experience. I am so excited for you. I had the same dream about birthing a toddler that wanted nothing to do with me. She was a girl and really, really prissy and threw fits because her dresses weren't fluffy enough.

8:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, I dreamed that I gave birth to a toddler, too! Mine was a boy with lots of dark hair and dark skin...certainly not a product of me and Scott! And no one would let me hold him- that was the worst part of my dream.
All this to say: you look beautiful, God is certainly taking care of you, and Scott and I are praying for you!
P.S. Remember Joshua 1:9 if/when you are feeling fearful about labor/delivery.

6:27 PM

Blogger Laura said...

I'm glad to hear that both of you had similar dreams. It helps me remember that everything is going to be okay. My latest dream is that I left town right after the baby was born and left it with family and it got really sick and was dying.

Did the crazy dreams stop after you gave birth?

6:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Birthing a toddler?? Ouch!!
Ryan, all I need in that family photo is a fork.
I love the photo of you on the jugle gym.

8:31 PM


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