Unspeakable Joy...It's a girl!!
Selah Blessen Wolf was born on Tuesday, December 19, 2006, at 6.26 pm. She is 8 lbs 3 oz and 19 inches long. As soon as I saw her, I said "Praise God!" and I burst into tears. The emotion of the moment was overwhelming. After about 9 hours of labor, Laura's pain was eclipsed by the beautiful cries of our daughter. She was a little purple when she came out, but she pinked up pretty quickly and actually had a 9.9 Apgar score. She is very healthy and has been eating well.
Of course, we are already quite smitten with her and have spent a lot of time holding her in the past 48 hours. Laura is doing very well and has been able to get a pretty good amount of rest considering the circumstances. Her labor experience was not exactly as we expected (but I assume that is probably the case with all labors), but I think it went very well. Special thanks to Sharon for giving us great guidance for laboring well. We came home from the hospital this afternoon.
Thank you so much to everyone who prayed for us, called us, texted us, gave us cards and gifts, and visited us at the hospital. You really helped this be a special time for us.
Laura's parents are in town to help out and I am taking some time off to help Laura and to bond with our beautiful daughter.
Below are a few pics. Check out our Flickr for many more.
I'm not sure where the red tinged hair came from.
Proud parents. Selah is about one hour old here.
In the nursery.
Praise God, indeed! Oh, I am overflowing with happiness for you three! And what a beautiful baby girl...at this point, words aren't really enough, are they?
We can't wait to see you. Until then, we are rejoicing for you and praying for all of the adjustments to go smoothly.
6:54 PM
Praise God! We are stoked for you. If you pay a beautiful and expensive wedding in a Texan country club with dancing and everything, we will sell Timothy's body to Selah.
Praying for you. Make most of every day, bro!
11:28 PM
I have been waiting to hear about the baby! She is beautiful and I love the red hair!! Everybody else has redheaded babies but ME! I have been praying for you and wanting to call so bad. But I know what it is like to have people calling when you are overdue. She is truly a gift from above.
Love, Wendy Bethany
8:29 AM
Congratulations Ryan and Laura!!! Selah is absolutely beautiful. Good luck in the upcoming days, and I hope you both get lots of sleep!
6:02 AM
Ohhhhhhhh, Laura, she is truly the most beautiful baby ever. (Next to mine, of course lol) I'm glad you are doing well. I'll write next week. So much has happened, but nothing compared to your life. God Bless you always, Tricia
12:58 PM
seems like its time for another update...hey????
8:22 PM
Wow, she is so precious. I love that content little face they have when they ar sleeping. How sweet!
1:19 PM
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