Our journey

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Cooking and Catching up

Two good friends have stopped in our town as they see the world. Alex and Michael are two of Ryan's great friends who have gone to high school and college with him. Selah is a little scared of all of Alex's hair, but he finally won her over this afternoon while Ryan and I were preparing dinner. See the picture for that great moment when she allowed Alex the honor of holding her.Tonight I cooked chicken parmesan without the parmesan. I know I can get it here, but I didn't feel like going to the big grocery store where it probably can be purchased.
I used breadcrumbs that I made the other day from some stale bread for the breading. Though time consuming, cooking has been fun and delicious with all of the fresh, ripe ingredients. Tonight I started with some tomato paste and used only tomatoes, onions and peppers as the sauce. Of course I added some spices to make it taste even better. Ryan thinks I could leave out the tablespoon of sugar in the sauce. We'll see what he thinks next time when I leave it out. I think it tastes a lot better with the little bit of sugar.
The cucumbers were not a part of the sauce; they went in the salad. We also had cheesy garlic bread, steamed zucchini, ranch dressing and sweet tea.

One more thought for today. I know I'm long winded...but so thankful. I'm so glad God gave us Selah before we came here. It has been more complicated and my language acquisition will be slower, but she is such a joy in my life. I also have short conversations with so many people that I would not otherwise talk to because of her. Maybe God brought her when He did so that He could use her to fill in the gaps of my personality (not really being a conversation initiator with strangers).


Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, Laura,
I'm Charlotte Guidry, one of your mother-in-law's friends. I wanted to put my "2 cents" in on the topic of sugar in spaghetti sauce.
Once I found out how much of an improvement it made...I never cook without it. I usually use brown sugar, but white will do, too.

I really enjoy reading about your experiences, and I'm so grateful that Nancy shared the link with me!

Know that the Guidry's in Omaha are praying for you!

12:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's funny, Alex always told us that chicks dig he curls. maybe it's only a face a mother could love.

11:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laura, you are experiencing things you will never forget, thanks for sharing with us. Tell Selah I miss taking care of her and seeing her cute smile.

11:19 AM


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