Our journey

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Still cozy.....

The baby is still cozy. I, on the other hand, am feeling....I'll let you fill in the blank.
41 weeks, 2 days

We had an appointment with Dr. Deniz on Thursday; she's a big fan of Selah. Selah was working on drawing a picture for her when we took this picture.

Grammy and Pops arrived yesterday afternoon with much ado. They brought lots of treats and smiles! Selah was very excited and so were we. Now, everyone is here, waiting on the baby to come!

We've had a good time over the past week playing Wii and entertaining ourselves as we wait. Last night, every time I "threw" a bowling ball I cramped up somewhere. We were hoping my birth story could include the "Wii natural induction method", but it couldn't finish the job.

If there is no baby by Friday morning, we think we'll be more than happy to bring her out via induction. We'll see....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my!!! i'm so sorry, i know how you feel, except that i was not late...so how late are you?
selah is so BIG! it's so weird to see her so big when the last time we saw each other was when she was a baby!

7:07 PM

Anonymous On the Eastern Journey said...

Hi friend! Despite how uncomfortable you feel, you look absolutely beautiful! I hope your little one comes soon. I loved the photo of your parents with their suitcases. Hope you all enjoyed some treats from home.

9:58 PM

Blogger Laura said...

I'm at 41 weeks, 3 days. I read somewhere that worldwide the average number of weeks a pregnancy goes is 42 weeks...so why do the doctors set our expectations for 40? I guess that since I know like 2 people that have carried their babies 42 weeks, these numbers must not be from the U.S.

Thanks, Sandra. You're sweet! We are currently enjoying some great cheddar cheese!

10:14 PM

Anonymous Leticia said...

Oh Laura, I know you must be so ready to meet this little girl, but can you blame her?... All comfy and cozy hanging out with mommy all day. She must know that once she comes out she'll have to share her time and attention. If Matt (baby #2) had known that beforehand, he'd most likely had stayed in and I'd be 13 months pregnant today! :)
You look amazing for 41+ weeks. Hang in there and keep trucking along. I can't wait to open your blog one morning and see the exciting news!!
Love you lots!

5:45 AM

Blogger miabrown713 said...

my mom ran 3 weeks and 2 days late with me!!!!!! Best of luck on the delivery and be watching for a package...well in a few weeks, i'm super busy gluing and outlining and cutting and all that fun stuff. much love!

2:18 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

My sweet Laura!
I realized I hadn't checked on your blog lately & thought I missed the birth announcement... it's okay if she wants to wait until Friday & share a birthday with me! :) or Sunday & be a Mother's Day baby... I'm praying for you; Yes, you do look RADIANT.

2:26 PM


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