Our journey

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Last week we had a friend from another part of the country visiting. One evening we decided to play scrabble in the national language. It was quite difficult (in my opinion) because there weren't many long words played which gave us very few options for new words as our turns came around. We were pretty proud of ourselves when we finished (we didn't use all the tiles, but were within 10). Our brains were mush at the end.

Ryan and I started a new language course this week. We are actually taking the same course from the same teacher. We're both looking forward to it and already enjoyed our first day. However, this means that I will be spending about 3 times as much time studying language every week.

I wanted to share a funny story about Selah. On the night of the Presidential Inauguration, Ryan asked Selah if she could say, "president". She confidently said, "present" as if she nailed it perfectly. Ryan and I laughed and she thought for a moment. Then she said, "If you poo poo in the potty 2 times, you get a PRESENT. " Hilarious. You can tell what stage of training we're in right now. She has a gorgeous, high-tech toy helicopter waiting for her in the bathroom...waiting and waiting. Two weeks ago I took her to the toy store and let her play with toys for 1 hour. I simply observed and introduced her to new toys every now and then. After much playing, we went witht he pretty cool helicopter. It has buttons, noises, colored balls, and teaches numbers and colors! Now, if we can just get her to poop in the potty!


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