Our journey

Saturday, September 01, 2007

It's cooler...in the mountains

We have been busy for about 2 weeks and hope to slow down a bit and get back into the comfort of our routine this week. However, Ryan will leave on a short trip with some other guys in a litte over a week.

We spent last week in the mountains at a ski resort at a family retreat. We heard great messages and were blessed with some great music, fun and American cookies on every coffee break! Unfortunately, there was no snow to ski on, so we (only Ryan and I) rode the lift to the top and decided a trip back in the winter was in order. Selah should be ready to learn how to ski by the time she is 1, don't you think? One of my favorite things about our trip was the relief from the heat and the cool air that gave me goose bumps. I thanked God for my goose bumps. They felt so good.

We reconnected with some great friends that we made in May and June and had fun meeting new people. Selah had a great time with other babies and realized that crawling and pulling up on things is a lot more fun than she realized. When we got home yesterday, she immediately started crawling and pulling up on everything she saw. Her fun was tempered by her 2 central incisor teeth cutting through. She hardly slept longer than 30 min. or an hour on Wed. and Thurs. nights. Last night she did much better. We can tell they are painful because she avoids putting anything in her mouth in that area and makes a sad face when she accidentaly bites down on those two teeth. She is so tired from the past few days that she is on her third nap of the day and it is only 1 PM.

This week I will start meeting with 2 language helpers, for a total of 10 hours of language per week. I'm excited because I really like my new helper--she is REALLY good at what she does! Ryan plans on getting the electrician to come over today to look at a broken light fixture. As always, Ryan is doing so well with practicing language anytime the opportunity presents itself.


Blogger mama wolf said...

Such a cute couple! Selah is trying so hard to stand and balance!! Love the video. RyRy were did you get those pedal pushers in the alpine picture?

7:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Selah is getting big! I love how happy she always is!

Here's some little-known Jackhouse trivia for all you fans out there. The song from the video is one of their first recordings! This was actually the encore for their famed "live at the deep end" performance. (See October 14th blog entry)

11:58 AM

Blogger Ryan said...

Pedal pushers? Come on, ma, it's the '00s!

DTR, nice work on the Jackhouse trivia. Very clever.

11:53 PM

Blogger mama wolf said...

Well, what do you call them? Rex has a pair signed by Rafeal Nadal that Kyle P. brought him from England. I'll send you a Sharpie in your next package and you can someone to sign yours!

6:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Getaway! I'm jealous. Glad to hear you're getting around the new country with some pack on your back.

7:08 PM


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