Our journey

Friday, May 30, 2008

Little warm and fuzzies

Ryan's warm and fuzzies...

...okay, they are my warm and fuzzies too.

I'm happy to say that things are slowly starting to feel more and more familiar. The morning smells radiating from the bakeries are starting to smell good as I walk to the bus and even tempt me to stop in at times. When we came home from our last trip our house felt a little like home. I've stopped in on my neighbor a few times and she's starting to learn that I don't like injecting my daughter with sugar so she gave her fruit instead of cake (yea!!)

Last Saturday I went to the grocery store where there is actually a parking lot so I can take the car and buy a lot of stuff (warm and fuzzy #1). As I was walking around the store I spied some bottles of lemon-lime and orange Gatorade in the sport bottles (warm and fuzzy #2). I didn't buy them because there was no price tag and I am pretty sure they would cost more than I am willing to spend without a specific order from Ryan. I made a pass down the imported food aisle just to keep it real (warm and fuzzy #3)--saw campbell's soup for almost $4, salsa for about $7 and other fun things. Ryan and I were going to the movies that afternoon so I bought some peanut m&ms (which can't be bought everywhere, warm and fuzzy #4) for a movie snack. As I stepped up to the check out I knew that I knew the first thing that the cashier would say to me (warm & fuzzy #5)...its the same thing they say at Randall's and Kroger, well not exact. "Carrefor kartınız var mı?" Of course I have my Carrefor savings card, so I get it out of my purse to prepare for the question. The greater thing about this is that my language ability has nothing to do with this one...I just know what he's going to ask for! As the person in front of me was finishing up and the lines were getting longer, one of the clerks came and starting bagging groceries (warm and fuzzy #6). Generally we have to bag our own groceries as they cashier scans them. For those of you that shop like me, this is frustrating because I like to watch the prices as the items are scanned to make sure I am paying what I thought I was paying for the item and because I like to get excited if I am getting a good deal. However, when I'm hurrying to bag all of my groceries, I don't get to watch the prices.

Today I thank the Lord for the little warm and fuzzies He gives.


Blogger Pete and Kimberly said...

Glad you are reflecting on the positive and that your new home is becoming more like home! I did some contemplating on "and in everything give thanks" this morning and it sure helps to keep the right perspective. Love you guys!

6:26 AM

Blogger mama wolf said...

Sweet stuff!

7:50 AM


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