Our journey

Friday, April 27, 2007

Selah at 4 months

We took Selah to the doctor for her 4 month check-up last week. She weighed 15 pounds, 12 ounces and was 25 1/4 inches tall! She is in the 95th percentile all the way around. We cannot praise God enough for her. She is the blessing of all blessings in our life. Selah received her next round of vaccinations and did great. Ryan sang to her to sooth her and distract from the painful pokes in her thighs. His favorite songs to sing to her have similar lyrics, "Selah, Selah...." just to the tune of different songs such as Amazing Grace or David Gray's, Sail Away.

She's been hanging out with us as we pack up our stuff and helping every chance she gets. Selah likes to hold everything and make sure it tastes okay. She is rolling from her back to her tummy with ease...almost every time I lay her on her back. On Monday of this week, she found her feet first thing in the morning. So now, she grabs her feet and pulls them to her mouth as we change her diaper or when she is not rolling over.

Ryan has been busy sharing about our new job with church groups, students ad kids. We are excited that we have so much support as we follow the Lord's call. I have experienced answered prayers as the Lord has brought me much peace over the past few weeks. He is good.


Blogger Battle Maiden said...

That is great! Timothy is 5.5 mos. at 20 pounds and can't figure out how to roll back over!
Watch her closely now!

11:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So cute! I love watching her grow--she's a tall one indeed! I am sure she will be quite smart too moving so quickly through those milestones. I wish Charlotte could play with her...though Charlotte has taken to pulling other babies (hair, clothes, etc) and kicking them...so maybe it is better! What a sweetie you have! Check our site: charlotterose.aboutmybaby.com


11:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahah! I spelled my name wrong because I was trying to keep Charlotte happy and away from the keyboard as I typerd with one hand!

Love you guys,


11:36 AM


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