Our journey

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Selah's Dedication

Ryan and I committed to raise Selah in a Godly home this weekend at her dedication. It was the first baby dedication in our approximately 1.5 year-old church. We were honored to have my parents, Ryan's parents, Granny, and my best friend Stacie and her husband, Kenny, attend. Our pastor, Paul, preached a great sermon on the importance of training our kids in the way they should go. He reminded us that we are teaching our kids and we should be careful not to teach them to sin.

The commitment:

"We desire that Selah grows up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We both agree to teach Selah the Word of God and to do all we can to prepare her to personally enter into a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ."

As our paster discussed the commitment with us before the service, his words penetrated my heart. He reminded me that when we dedicate Selah to the Lord, we are seeking that He use her to bring glory to His name. This means that if she decides to do something someday that we think is absolutely crazy, but she feels convicted that the Lord has called her to do, we must remember that we tried to raise her to listen to God's call on her life and release her to His will. As I thought about the implication of our surrender to the Lord, I was reminded that both sets of our parents are currently living out the hard part of the commitment--letting us move far away to be in the center of God's will for our lives. May He strengthen them and give them perfect peace.


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