Our journey

Sunday, November 07, 2010

I'm not throwing the towel in yet!

You might think that since I've only had 2 posts in the last 7 months, this blog thing is about to be finished. I don't think I'm there...yet. Hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things.

We've not been too busy since the end of September, but I haven't been feeling up to doing...anything. There probably isn't a good reason for a mother of 2 to act on that feeling of wanting to do nothing and I am still trying to take care of the things that I HAVE to take care of , like my kids. :)

On to the reason I haven't been feeling well. I am pregnant with baby #3. Now that I'm waiting for a third kid to come, I've learned to not even think about the theoretical due date. For me, it is just stupid since my kids have come later than that date. So, we'll just say sometime at the end of May, Lord willing, we'll welcome the 5th member into the Ryan Wolf family. We're excited. Another plus is that it is one more chance for me to go through a refining process.

Selah has been convinced since before I became pregnant that the next child would be a boy and his name will be Luke. We have chosen that as the boy name yet, though. Needless to say, she's excited and already sending hugs and kisses to the baby.

The girls (and I) are enjoying Mother's Day Out twice a week and Selah is in a gymnastics class that she loves. She has improved a lot in the past two months and turns everything into a gymnastic move as she plays around the house or on the playground. Last week, the girls dressed up for a costume parade. Selah went through her dress up clothes and decided she would be Tinker Bell. Eden was a Pumpkin Fairy.

On the 31st, we went to the church's "Festibration," where Selah proudly wore a ballet recital costume calling herself a ballerina...and the most exciting part was that she got to wear some makeup!

Granddaddy and 2 of his girls


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Congratulations! Welcome to the crazy world of three! So excited for you guys! and yes I still read your blog! :) so keep blogging!

7:12 PM

Anonymous on the eastern journey said...

CONGRATS on #3! Wow. I'm so excited for you guys. We're due in December with #3. Girl, I'm with you. Babies can't read calendars! Schäfer came a week early. LOVE the photos of the girls.

10:59 PM

Blogger Laura said...

Thanks, guys. I'm excited for you, Sandra! I'm going to go hunt for some pregnant pics of you!

11:59 AM


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