Our journey

Monday, March 03, 2008


On Mondays, Ryan and I both go study language. I have to leave the house by 8:15 AM to get to the bus and to my teacher's house by 9 AM. Ryan stays here until 9:00 when Selah's best friend (babysitter) comes. I leave my lesson at 9 AM and go to a cute little area of the town where I practice with a young lady that is a secretary at an art studio. I was introduced to her when I first arrived because she was my first language teacher. I grab a sandwich on the way (or Hot Shots at KFC if I'm splurging) and chat with her for about an hour or so. Then I head home...but stop at the outdoor market (pazar) that comes to our park every Monday. Lots of vendors set up shop on a street that borders the park. Even though I go to the market almost every Monday, I still get anxious...not because I won't understand language but because I don't want to be charged high prices because of my language inefficiencies or I don't want them to find out I'm an American--because a few people have a bone to pick with the President and think I can give him the message. Really, its not a bad experience at all. Then I head home, hope Selah is still sleeping, and chat with our babysitter for a while. By this time it is 3 PM and Selah is ready to play.

Selah has made a lot of friends at the park. Every time we take her, we get the same questions: Who are you?(they know Selah and the babysitter, but not us) Where are you from? Is your husband a national of this country? As we approach the playground we usually hear several people saying, "Selah!" Last Thursday I took her to the park with her little ball. As she was kicking it/fetching after she threw it, a stray dog (rest easy....he's tagged so the authorities know he is there and he's supposedly been vaccinated) came and took it....almost as she picked it up. He ran away with it and popped it. I was mad at the dog and Selah was mad at me because I wouldn't let her chase the dog to get her ball back. Unfortunately the tag doesn't make me rest so easy. :) Memories of being bit by a dog as a child came back to my mind and I was really scared that my child, who seemingly fears nothing, was going to try to get her ball back from this mutt.

Selah is definitely getting to the age where she is letting her will be known. Pray for wisdom for us in how we respond to her. Recently, she has been testing out screaming to see if it accomplishes anything for her. Fun stuff.

This picture is from the window of our apartment looking down at the crazy intersection off of our street on Mondays. Driving in our neighborhood is a terrible experience on Mondays....don't do it.

I also attached some pictures of us playing a game with American friends last night. We were basically playing charades at this point in the game. Look at Ryan and think...great female vocalist and Titanic. Can you see it? As for me, it is so obvious that I won't even give you a clue. :) Any guesses?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Schäfer is really starting to test the boundaries too. I love how much he can communicate & express, but there are moments when he just lays down on the floor and screams. This afternoon was such a day because he wanted to go outside, but it's raining. As for the neighborhood, all our neighbors know Schäfer by his Chinese name, but they can easily figure out who I am! Ok, playday 2009 Texas?

12:28 AM

Blogger Bethany said...

Hey Laura,

I loved reading your descriptive "day in the life" of a language student, mom, wife, friend and daughter. Thanks for sharing.

As for the beginning of tantrums...we are right there with you! Do I have any advice or suggestions...afraid not, but wish I did. Let me know if you have anything. Miss you and see you in a few months for a play date. :)

7:13 PM


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